What you are about to read is my opinion. I gave 4 years of my life to the US Army and feel that I am intitled to this.
I went to the store the other day and asked the clerk where the clothes that are made in the USA are. They did not know,
I was told that I would have to look. Well it has come to that. I am guilty of not paying attention to what I buy and where
it came from. It makes me sick to see, hear and read about American companies that are closing and moving to other
countries. I beleive that if we do not do something soon it might be to late. We are to dependant on other countrys. We have
become a service oriented country and unfortunaly those jobs do not pay well. Just think about all the changes that have come
and gone since the 50's. The core of the American system was industry. All you have to do is look and lissen to what is going
on in our country. It is scary and something needs to be done before it is to late. I am going to "try" to find companys
and list them on this page. So keep checking back. Thanks for your time.